“Every year I struggle with whether or not I will continue with this Turkey Drive, because it is financially burdensome and very stressful. But, then I think back to the years past and I decide to suck it up for another year”
Marlon L. McWilson
“This Turkey Drive has fed families all over the Bay Area and I am proud to have volunteered my services to it.”
Michelle Hampton
Volunteer 2002 – Present
“My family has received turkeys from you all for the past 2 years, but next year we will be in a better place and donating to other families.”
Recipient 2005
“My brother, I have been trying to find out where the Turkey Drive is going to be this year, because my Church Folk remember your Drive every year and make it a point to send needy families.” “Don’t give up because it’s kinda hard. You all keep doing what you’re doing, God will bless you!”
Rev. Keith A. Martin
Pastor – Mt. Sinai M. B. C.
“Marlon, you given out a lot of turkeys. We gonna start calling you the ‘Turkey Man’.”
Mrs. West
Acorns W. Oakland
“Mr. McWilson, told us that we going to deliver turkey in the inner-city and that we would have an experience like no other. He was right, I never had anyone tell me “thank you” and I feel like I changed their world.”
Nicole “Nikki” Anderson
Castlemont High 1999
“We handed out frozen turkeys for 4 days out of the back of cargo vans and a week later I was in the hospital with pneumonia. It was an event that I will NEVER forget.
Jeffrey M. Carroll
Volunteer 2000
“The turkey drive was so engaging because it gave me the opportunity to interact with the families that we served. Unlike most turkey drives where families go to a specific destination, we brought the turkeys right to their doorstep and were able to spend time with each family.”
Jason Norman
Volunteer 2000
“This is one of the few service programs that serve people in need directly.”
Richard Harris III